Why we created a piece of audio theatre – Brad McCormick

On 2nd April we launched our brand new show The Other City. Rather than being live theatre the show is a podcast that you can listen to while walking around any city.
Photos by: www.phyllischristopher.com
Cap-a-Pie has never done a show that’s purely audio before. However, something that was solely listened to rather than watched really fit the themes of what we, and our collaborator Dr Matt Davies were exploring.
Matt works at Newcastle University and looks at how the global and the local come together in urban environments. Primarily Matt is researching Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the effects that world events like the Football World Cup and the Olympics have on local communities. In Rio the effects are quite stark, eg. an entire favela is bulldozed to make way for an Olympic village.
The aim of our project was for people to think about their own city and how the world outside influences and shapes it. We decided that if we wanted to provoke people to think about that, it would be best for them to experience the show while being outside in the city.
One of the brilliant things about this piece is that is available for download, for free, anywhere by anyone at anytime.
We also love the intimacy that the show has. In The Other City you’ll be walking around by yourself, headphones on, and being spoken to directly by our main character. It’s a show that asks you to think (but in a fun way) and the intimate experience really helps this along.
So while The Other City is a slight departure from what you might expect from us, it’s one we’re really excited about having people listen to all over the world.
Find out more about The Other City.
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Why we created a piece of audio theatre – Brad McCormick Read More »