Based on ground-breaking research into Universal Credit – the latest and biggest change to the benefits system.
Our planned live shows in April 2020 were cancelled due to Covid-19. However, we felt like this show was too important to wait so we filmed a rehearsed reading.
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Credit, a new play by award-winning writer Laura Lindow is based on stories and experiences of people living on Universal Credit. With many more people moving onto Universal Credit as a result of COVID-19, the issues highlighted are now more important than ever.
Made alongside people who are claiming Universal Credit, support organisations and researchers ‘Credit’ is an honest picture of how people in the North East are dealing with the ongoing changes to the welfare system.
Credit will make you think about whether we have a welfare safety net anymore and how all of us, our family members and fellow citizens are affected. We want you to be inspired to think about what the welfare state should look like for our communities.
The Team
Laura Lindow
Brad McCormick
Christina Dawson
Cooper McDonough
Anna Reid
Roma Yagnik
Production & Stage Manager
Rachel Glover
Thanks to our Collaborators & Funders
Cap-a-Pie has made Credit in collaboration with Newcastle University, Teesside University, Gateshead Council, Newcastle Council, Citizens Advice Gateshead, Your Voice Counts, Oasis Community Housing, Women’s Health in South Tyneside, Changing Lives and Larkspur House and Fuse.
Credit is based on research commissioned by Gateshead Council in partnership with Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health.
This show has been funded by Newcastle University via the Population and Health Sciences Institute, Institute for Social Science and Catherine Cookson Foundation; Using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England; and Gateshead Council.